Stanley Hauerwas on Living Prophetically Instead of Pragmatically During Advent

Theologian Stanely Hauerwas says, "Christians are called to nonviolence not because we believe that nonviolence is a strategy to rid the world of war. But, in a world of war as faithful followers of Christ we cannot imagine being anything other than nonviolent. And that will make the world possibly more violent because the world does not want the order it calls peace exposed as the violence it so often times is. Now, learning how to wait as a people of nonviolence in a world of war, you'll know what Advent is. Advent is paitience. It is how God has made us the people of promise in a world of impatience. And, Christ has made that possible for us to live patiently in a world of impatience."

This is stunning. Americans are notoriously pragmatic. We do what works – or, what we perceive works. So often, we take the commands of Jesus and strain them through the filter of what seems to be most effective for us in any given situation. The commands of Jesus regarding giving to the poor, living faithfully, turning the other cheek, forgiving others, etc., are often considered to be valid if we can see how they will work for us or for others. And, what determines best how something works?  If it benefits us or advances our agenda. But, could it be, as Hauerwas has said here, that we are obedient to Christ NOT because we see it as a strategy to make the world a better place, or even (not necessarily what he is saying here) to make our own lives better?  Could it be that we obey Christ because that is the only way that we can truly give witness to who He is?  Maybe we are not supposed to help the poor because by doing so we be believe that we will end poverty. Maybe we are not to fight against injustice because by doing so we believe that we will eradicate injustice in this world. Maybe we are supposed to do these things because we cannot imagine being a follower of Jesus and doing anything different. I don't want to put words in Hauerwas' mouth here, but I believe that He is saying that we should live prophetically instead of pragmatically.  I think he is saying that, instead of asking what works to achieve our desired ends, we should instead ask what gives witness to Jesus and His Kingdom.

Maybe if we lived prophetically instead of pragmatically we would not concern ourselves so much with results and instead, we would focus on what gives witness to Christ and what shows love to people. Perhaps the observance and discipline of waiting at Advent can help us to understand what it is like to not have everything we want but still wait patiently for the Lord's provision anyway.

Quote taken from this video.


2 Responses to Stanley Hauerwas on Living Prophetically Instead of Pragmatically During Advent

  1. “Could it be that we obey Christ because that is the only way that we can truly give witness to who He is?”
    You nailed it.

  2. Good stuff Alan. I remember walking through this idea with visiting Bill Delger this summer. Our success should be measured by our obedience… only.
    Often, there are benefits to the world because God’s will is to help the world. It is possible for us to love our activities much more than God.