Category Archives: Humor

Give That Pig a Ten!

My 7 year old son, Peyton, was watching an animal talent show on Animal Planet a few minutes ago and he came and told me about a pig that was playing the piano. He said, "Daddy, there was this pig that was playing the piano. He played, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." One of the judges gave… Continue Reading

Have You Decorated For Christmas Yet? When Do You Start?

So, three weeks ago when we were putting up our Christmas tree, playing a little Bing on the old turn table, warming chestnuts over the fire, and sipping Egg Nog, I couldn't help but think about just how much I love Christmas.  All the presents were bought, wrapped, and under the tree and we had already purchased the Christmas goose… Continue Reading

Ben Cole Makes Nice With Malcolm Yarnell

Only SBC blogging types would understand the significance of this event, so if you are not one of those people, just ignore. Ed Stetzer is twittering the convention. He caught a picture of Ben Cole making up with the powers that be at Southwestern, represented by Dr. Malcolm Yarnell. I think that Ben was supposed… Continue Reading