Category Archives: Wednesday Night

The Argument From Desire (Matt Jordan)

On Wednesday at Gateway, Dr. Matt Jordan, philosophy professor at Auburn University – Montgomery and part of the fellowship at Gateway Baptist, will be teaching on a concept popularized by C.S. Lewis called The Argument from Desire. He sent me his notes today and I wanted to reproduce them here. I think that the intuitive argument… Continue Reading

Keller and Luther on the Gospel

We have begun studying Tim Keller's Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything on Wednesday nights at Gateway in our Spiritual Formation gathering. The premise of this study is that the gospel affects all of life and that our union with God in Christ radically changes every aspect of life. We will be exploring this concept… Continue Reading

Micah Mandate: Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, Walking Humbly With God

Since last August, we have been going through a spiritual formation study on Wednesday nights at our church. We spent several months talking about loving God. Then, we explored what it meant to love people. Now, we are talking about how we do that "to the ends of the earth." We have taken a pretty… Continue Reading

Why We Argue, Fuss, and Fight

We’ve been going through T.W. Hunt’s study, The Mind of Christ on Wednesday nights and it has been incredible. It is a very clear study on how to put on the Mind of Christ, take thoughts captive, and reflect the character of Christ in all that we think, say, and do. Many are being confronted… Continue Reading

Singing in a Bar and Other Christmas Musings

Well, Christmas is almost here. This will be my last post until after Christmas. I’ve got family coming in tomorrow and LOTS needs to be done to get ready and to finish up all of our Christmas preparations. My wife would not be happy to see me sitting on the computer while she does everything,… Continue Reading