Blogging as Mission: Having a Conversation With the World

Earth I often have people question the validity of blogging and wonder if I am wasting my time with my constant writing. Granted, I have to carve out time to write, whether it be in the morning or late at night. It helps that I type very fast. Tonight, I decided to go to my Statcounter just to see if anyone was paying attention. I didn't really even want to check because I had a feeling that my traffic had dropped a good deal. It has dropped, but I was still encouraged by seeing this:

In the past few hours, I have had visitors from

  • 17 states in the United States and the District of Columbia
  • Australia
  • Peru
  • Canada
  • India
  • France
  • Poland
  • Malaysia

I also was encouraged about what people were looking for and finding by doing the following Google search (corresponding Google rank for Downshoredrift's post on each subject included)

  • "Identity in Christ verses" (#6 on Google)
  • "African Child Soldiers" (#8 on Google)
  • "Invisible Children – The Rescue" (#14 on Google)
  • "Causes of the Current Housing Crisis in the U.S." (#5 on Google)
  • "American wealth disappeared" (#2 on Google)

I think that is pretty cool and just motivates me to write that much more.  Many of you with blogs have the same experience. Getting the word out concerning where God is working in the world can make a huge difference. Let's keep it up.

By the way, if you read Downshoredrift regularly and have a blog, I'd love for you to link to me. It drives up visibility and traffic for the issues that I think are important and possibly overlooked in the world regarding where God is working. I'd appreciate it! 

2 Responses to Blogging as Mission: Having a Conversation With the World

  1. Alan,
    I regularly check your blog. Your content is consistently thought provoking, while remaining gospel centered. There are only a few of your tribe left! A lot of evangelical bloggers have either moved into chronicling organizational conflict, methods of “doing church” or have stopped writing altogether.
    I read your posts because your writing displays the gospel in practice, specifically with a non-ivory tower perspective.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, Mike! Sorry I missed this comment. I was in India when you left it, I think. Anyway, I appreciate the encouragement.